Upcoming Events and Studies
Free Colorectal Cancer Screening for Eligible Participants
Friday, June 15, 2018
WVU CPRC and Epigenomics, Inc. are conducting a blood draw based colorectal cancer clinical research study for qualified participants age 50-75.The test is FDA approved and is used in participants who are unwilling or unable to use other screening tests such as colonoscopy or fecal blood tests. You will be screened at your doctor’s visit and if you qualify, will have a blood sample taken during your visit. To qualify you must have been offered a colonoscopy/fecal occult blood test by your physician and have declined the test. If you qualify, you will be given a $25 gift card for your participation. Complete details regarding the study and procedures are given to you during your visit at the WVU Medicine location.
Currently seeking current/former smokers & e-cigarette users for fluid samples!
Thursday, May 3, 2018
We are currently seeking current/former smokers & e-cigarette users, age 30-65, for fluid samples! Qualified participants will be given a $50 gift card. Call 304-581-1404 for more information.
Looking for participants with Type 1 diabetes!
Monday, March 12, 2018
Read on for more information on this study or call 304-581-1782
Upcoming 21-Day Outpatient Study Paying up to $3000!
Thursday, February 15, 2018
WVU CPRC will be having a 21-day all outpatient study with late afternoon/evening visits that will pay up to $3000. The study will begin on April 2 and involve visits 3-5 times per week over 21 days. For more information on this study and how to qualify please call 304-581-1404.
Healthy males and females 18 and older for study paying up to $1085
Monday, December 11, 2017
Upcoming patch study paying up to $1085!
Seeking healthy males and females, 18-55, for study paying up to $1400!
Monday, December 11, 2017
If you are a healthy male or female, age 18-55, a non-smoker/non tobacco user you could be compensated up to $1400 by participating in our upcoming in-house, 2-weekend study during the month of January.
Seeking healthy males and females, 18-65, one night stay paying up to $558!
Thursday, November 2, 2017
If you are a healthy male or female, 18-65 years old, a non-smoker/non tobacco user you could be compensated up to $558 by participating in our one weekend/one night stay, patch study during October.
Seeking healthy males and females, 18-45, for study paying up to $3000
Saturday, October 28, 2017
We are anticipating an outpatient patch study, with no overnight stays or blood draw. The study will have four separate phases that will start on November 27th and include multiple weekly visits throughout the entire month of December and also include visits into January.
Upcoming 4 weekend study paying up to $2800!
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
If you are a healthy male or female, age 18-64, a non-smoker/non tobacco user you could be compensated up to $2800 by participating in our upcoming in-house, 4 weekend study during the months of October and November.
Seeking healthy males and females for upcoming study paying up to $1638
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
If you are a healthy male or female, age 18-65, a non-smoker/non tobacco user you could be compensated up to $1638 by participating in our upcoming in-house, patch study during the month of July and August.